Born in Bathurst, and now retired, Priscilla has been painting since 1989. She enjoys art because of the relaxation she acquires and the pleasure she gets from the finished product.
Priscilla has taken painting courses from Janine Boudreau, Jean Patenaude, Clara Doucet, Raoul Haché, Adrienne Elfner-Hazen, Marie Oliver, and Robert Percival. She has taken drawing courses from Pat Salter and Adrienne Elfner-Hazen and has attended workshops given by Deny Clouthier and the late, Derek Milner.
In the past few years, Priscilla, herself, has given oil painting courses. Although she prefers to work in oil, she also likes working with watercolour and acrylic.
Priscilla has exhibited at Keddy’s Inn, Carey’s by the Sea, the Chaleur Mall, Atlantic Host, the Victorian Garden Tea and has participated in the co-operative murals, located at the corner of King Avenue and Main Street in Bathurst.
She is a Past President and active member of the Bathurst Art Society and currently exhibits her work at the Bay Breeze Art Gallery in the La Promenade Waterfront in Bathurst.