For the past three years we have been painting murals in a once used classroom at the Chalmers building which is part of the Bathurst High School. Several of our Artist who are members of the Bathurst Art Society have volunteered their time and artistic skills in painting this mural. The mural was painted in three parts on the same wall. In 2013 we started with the fireplace in the middle of the wall, which is usually dressed up in December with stockings and tinsel, in 2014 we painted children reading books and book shelf with books on the left side of the painted fireplace. This mural shows how important for our children to read and learn, and in 2015 we painted an elderly couple sitting on a sofa on the right side of the painted fireplace which was a tribute to our seniors.
This room is used for many things throughout the year. Such as a conference space and holding food donations before Christmas to be given to Seniors who are in need. Sometime in the future we are planning to paint another mural on the adjacent wall in that same room. Our theme will be on the Veterans. This is definitely a worthwhile project and we get a lot of enjoyment in working together.